Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Happenings

This weekend was a blast!
And yet super sad.
My roommate Michelle graduated from BYU
and moved back home to Oregon.
We were all sad to see her go.
So we decided to send her off with a bang!

The thing I love about all these girls is that we're all so different.
And we all get along SO well.
Each roomie has something unique that makes us all click.
Meesh was my partner in crime!
Michelle's family came in town for her graduation.
They took us all out to eat at the Bombay House Friday night.
I love Indian food.
I hadn't eaten it since last summer in Fiji.
(there is a surprising heavy Indian influence in Fiji)
That is Michelle's sister photo bombing in the corner :)
After we ate dinner the roomies decided to take Meesh 
out for some frozen yogurt at Yogurtland! (the best)
Then we went for a drive in Hilary's car.
Blasting music.
Dancing like crazy.
And somehow we ended up at Squaw Peak...
Dancing like crazy.
I definitely woke up with some battle wounds from Friday night.
Too. Much. Craziness. 

Got my zumba on.
Then I FINALLY saw Warrior!
I really loved this movie.
I loved the soundtrack.
And Tom Hardy is in it so no complaints there.
But really I was surprised that I loved it so much
since fighting movies aren't really my thing.
Also, I wasn't expecting how emotional I got watching it!


Guess what??
My mom, sister, and niece are coming in town today!
I can't wait for our girls week!
Many many cute pictures to come.

Have a wonderful week.
Keep on keepin' on.

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