Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cheers To The Weekend

The weekend has come and gone.
Is it Friday yet?
Just kidding...
But really.
I love the feeling you get on Friday at the end of the work day.
But isn't the feeling you get on Sunday night the worst?
Anyways, this summer has been full of amazingly crazy weekends.
Here are some highlights from this last one:

It started off with the Rooftop Concert Series in downtown Provo.
I highly recommend going to these concerts if you haven't already.
Such a fun atmosphere and always a talent filled set.
These guys captured my attention from the very beginning. 
Don't let the name of their band detour you from falling in love with them. :)
After the concert I went home and went to the gym.
What 21 year old does that?
Who am I?

If you know me at all you know how much I love to go out and eat!
So since it was Michelle's last Saturday in Provo *tear*
she got to pick where we went to breakfast!
Kneader's is always a good decision.
(Especially the one in the Riverwoods since it just opened
and is not nearly as crowded as the one on Bulldog Blvd.)
I usually get their french toast but decided to branch out and
get an omelette. Another good decision. 
We ran into this guy!

Saturday night I crossed an item off of my bucket list.
I went shooting. 
Can you believe it?
I got a little country on ya'll. 
I actually LOVED it.
Even though it scared me so bad I'm pretty sure I was shaking.
I hit four clay pigeons! BAM. 
Take that Annie Oakley.
And who knew guns were so heavy??
(and by that I mean that is probably common knowledge
known to everyone but me)
Anyways, it was super fun and I'd do it again.
I still don't think I could actually kill anything though.
Except for maybe a cat...

Went to church.
Still working on my fear of bearing my testimony in public.
Then Zack invited us over for dinner.
And it was quite the dinner!
Zack is an amazing cook and made us tacos.
Also, he works at Los Hermanos so he brought back some chips
and salsa from work. Yummmmm. 
I could eat chips and salsa for days.

So there it is.
Keep on keepin' on till the next Friday :)

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