Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Table For 1

Once upon a time I made a goal to go out to eat all by myself.
I didn't end up doing this until about 3 months ago.
And last week I even did it again.
I thought it would be weird sitting in a booth all alone,
with everyone and their families staring at me.
But it wasn't weird at all!
I felt totally normal.
And guess what?
I actually liked it.


  1. Seriously, I really love your blog. I never see you anymore, but I will read every.single.post! The other day I went to a movie by myself. It was weird, yet exciting! Next time I will try dinner!

    1. Aw thanks girl! I'm glad someone is reading it :) haha. It totally is exciting! Maybe I'll try going to a movie alone soon. Baby steps!
