Monday, January 23, 2012

I have a problem...

It is loving too many TV shows. Now I really don't like spending a lot of time watching TV... But lately I have had some extra time on my hands and ended up watching some of these new shows. AND THEY ARE ALL SO GOOD! Once the semester starts speeding up I know there will be absolutely no way to watch any of these. But I wanted to share some of my favorites :)

Once Upon A Time:

This is one of my all time favorites right now. I am a sucker for fairy tales and this show is a non traditional twist on some of the stories we grew up with. Characters from our favorite stories are trapped in our modern day world by the evil witch. They have forgotten who they are but one outsider named Emma can unlock the evil curse and set them free. Everyone needs to watch this show at least once!

The Bachelor:

This show is a classic. There is something that makes women all across America tune in every season to see if the bachelor or bachelorette will find love. Even though we all know they will break up eventually, haha. I am not a huge fan of Ben but the women this season are so crazy. My favorite is definitely Kasey B. And I still think Shawntel should have gotten a rose last episode :\ *sigh* future bachelorette, maybe?

One Tree Hill:

My all time favorite show since high school just premiered the beginning of the last season! :( It started off with a bang. It began showing the future and things to come. Someone dies!? It better not be Nathan. After a 20 second clip foreshadowing what is to come it goes back to more peaceful times. So sad this show is ending but it looks like it is gonna be one of the best!


One of my friends told me to watch this show and one night over winter break I caught a piece of it on TV. From that moment on I was hooked. I can't put a finger on why this show is so addicting but it's got to be something about scheming, Emily Thorne, and her puppets in her plan for revenge. Once you begin watching Emily's plan unfold, you have to find out how it ends.

Pretty Little Liars:
3 words
Aria + Mr. Fitz

Seriously the only reason why I watch this show is to watch the complicated relationship of Aria and Ezra Fitz. I love these 2. I have no idea how they are going to end up together but if they don't I will stop watching the show, serious. Also, this season you finally find out who the mysterious A is!

The Secret Circle:

I heard this show was really good so yesterday I watched the pilot. I seriously love it! That is the only episode I have seen but the mysteries just keep piling up. There are a lot of mystery shows on TV right now, I think producers are finally catching on to something... What else would keep us viewers hooked? We have to find out what happens!!

K, I know I sound seriously lame for having seen this many TV shows lately... But... yep, no excuses that's basically right. Haha. Here is to enjoying mindless TV while I can!

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