Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mormon Miracle Pageant

Last night, Chris & Hilary + Anders & I, headed down south to Manti, UT.
Every year they have a pageant at the Manti temple and Anders had never been!
I love all the adventures we have together.
We've been trying a lot of new things this summer.
Well since you asked... Disneyland!
Anders has never been and we're making the trek down there in less than a month!
Anyways, that's besides the point.
Last night.
We had tons of fun listening to music and chatting on our way down there. 

 We were starving when we got there so we tried some of the local food vendors.
Let me tell you... those people make some of the best homemade grilled cheeses ever!
And we got a churro. Yum.
And a snow cone. Double yum.
So, we ate a lot.
Worth it.
 Last year was my first time going to the pageant. 
We went on a weekend and sat in the very back.
This year we had amazing seats super close to the front.
Such a beautiful temple!

On the way back, Anders was begging me to stop in the middle of nowhere 
so we could get some awesome shots of us and the stars.
The first time we stopped was a little creepy.
We pulled off down some road,
saw a raccoon,
and saw a house in the distance where we all swear 
we could see someone watching us on the porch. 
After contemplating all the ways this person could kill us for being on their property, 
we decided to get going again...

...Until we saw a turn off for a state park.
This stop was a lot less creepy.
And we saw 2 rabbits!
We sure had fun playing around with the light in these pics.
Spontaneous adventures are the best.
^^ Please excuse his Edward Cullen-esque face ^^

^^I had no idea what Anders was doing with the light. 
Hence, my facial expression.^^

After a long drive back and a stop at Mickey D's,
we were back in Provo.

This summer is shaping up to be a beaut.
Isn't it?

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