Monday, May 21, 2012


So I do this thing where I fall in love with a book or movie 
and I want everyone I know to love it as much as I do.
Well, this month it is
Wuthering Heights
I've read this book a while ago in High School
when you HAVE to read books for school so you hate them.
And this week I randomly stumbled upon 
(which makes it even more special)
the Masterpiece (literally that what it's called) 
that PBS created.
PBS sure does it right.
 Can you guess what book I'll be re-reading this month?

 My roommate Michelle is an English major 
and she LOVED the movie as much as I do.
So you know it's good.

 Tom Hardy makes the most excellent Heathcliff.
Catherine and Heathcliff.
They are engaged in real life!!
Makes it even better.

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