Monday, February 13, 2012

Today my engaged friend said the sentence that every single person knows and fears. "We'll be friends when you're married". Us single peeps all know it's true but we like to lie to ourselves and pretend we have lots of friends regardless of their marital status... Myself included. I mean who likes to periodically go out there and find new friends every few months... Not me! Scary, right? It is a fact that when your friends get married there is a wall immediately built between you two. If you are like me you pretend this wall doesn't exist and sit nicely perched at the top of the wall where you can still see your friends. However, from my experience the closer the wedding gets and the longer they are married the shakier the wall gets til BAM! You fall off and are now chillin' with the other single, lonely, and possibly desperate people. Ok, just kidding. I'm being dramatic. But if you live in Provo, Utah it's basically all true, haha :) So I'm going to get off my soap box for a sec and remind the world I am nearly turning 21 which is actually quite young! And I am perfectly happy with how my life is going. Ignorance is bliss and I'm 100% ok with that. So I would like to go back to pretending that all my married friends are in fact still my friends... Right guys??


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