Friday, September 20, 2013

My First Event

2 days ago, on the 18th,
was my first event for PRSSA.
In case you have forgotten I am the VP of Events for the UVU PRSSA chapter.
The event was called "Rock Stars of PR".
We had Sam Schultz come speak (owner of Sammy's, home of the pie shake)
and Jacob Jones from The Fictionist (Imagine Dragons used to open up for his band).

It was a great learning experience. 
I know I can take what I learned from this event 
and make the next one even better. 

Half way through the event Sam mentioned his buddy, 
Jef Holm (from Emily's season of The Bachelorette) was sitting in the back of the room.
Apparently they are buddies. 

So naturally I had to get my picture taken with him.
Jef was very kind and talked to Anders & I for a bit.

I think it's going to be a great year.

Did you know I'm getting married in 18 days?
18 DAYS!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Carolina In My Mind

This last weekend my mom was in town!
She was here for the annual "sisters reunion" with her sisters and my grandma.
I didn't actually get to hang out with her too much but it was fun to see her.
On Monday she even made me breakfast and drove me to school!
That hasn't happened since 2006 ;)

Between running errands and visiting with family,
Anders and I went to the James Taylor (Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Utah Symphony)
 concert on Saturday night. It was amazing!
I grew up listening to James Taylor on our road trips to Utah.
He still has an incredible voice and knows how to work the crowd.

 ^^I love this cute boy. Can we just be married already?^^

We are getting married in 26 days!!
It seems like it will be here before I know it,
but it also feels forever away.
Thank goodness I have school to worry about or else I'd be thinking about it all the time!

^^My mom driving me to school on Monday. She doesn't even know I took this picture^^

My favorite James Taylor song.

Guess what?
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Old Friend

Hello old friend,
I have been caught up in the hustle and bustle of school, work, and wedding planning.
Do you forgive me?
I hope you do...
But just in case you aren't sold,
I have a few pictures to soften that heart of yours.

One month from today I will be a married girl!
Can you believe it?
They grow up so fast.