Friday, July 20, 2012

New Discoveries of the Week

So my roommate Hilary and I decided we'd do this crazy challenge
where we don't drink soda, eat bread, or eat any sweets for a week.
The usual reaction I get to this is,
"You're crazy! You're denying happiness!"
I actually beg to differ
(and trust me I'm a strong believe in all that is ice cream and chocolate)
but due to this new found challenge I have made new discoveries 
that I LOVE.
Such as...
Banana chips
Have you eaten these things yet?
I strongly suggest them if you need something to munch on
(at work in my example). Also I find them to be a great
replacement of good ol' fashioned chips

Now get ready for this one because I can't stop eating this stuff.
I'm in love.
And I know you are all thinking it... cause my mom said it.
"Is that even fat free?"
No actually it's not but I never said I wasn't going to eat fatty foods.
But at least I eat it with a bunch of spinach salad so that counts for something ;)

Last but not least... My favorite album.
I recently purchased Birdy's new album of covers 
and I haven't listened to anything else since.
I sure do love her music.

1 comment:

  1. Um....I am starting the same thing Monday. We can all commiserate together! And thanks for turning me on to her :]
