Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nashville Tennesse

Last weekend I went to Nashville for the ASACC conference for Senate.

It was so amazing, I want to go back!

Here is little glimpse of what happened there:

We left Utah on Thursday night

Dani & I worked out.


We woke up and planted trees!

It was pretty great weather while we were there

but Friday morning was SUPER chilly.

I had a t-shirt, jacket, sweatshirt, and another shirt on.


Then the conference begun and we listened to a few speakers

And at night Senate got together and watched a movie... awww.

We also learned how to line dance.

AND we ate very well.

I love southern food.

This is Broadway street. Where all the magic happens.

Music everywhere, food, dancing, and more.


So Saturday we were in lectures all day

so at night we got to play!

We ate at this awesome place called BB King's.

There was a live band, yummy food, and dancing.

Then I went to the Wild Horse Saloon and went line dancing!

That place was sooo cool.

It's exactly what I thought a saloon would be like.

People everywhere at tables with their beers.

People on the balcony watching the dance floor.

The live band was super good.

We were right up front.

After the Wild Horse extravaganza we got ice cream at Mike's

they make their ice cream homemade.

It's as amazing as it looks/sounds.

Their red velvet ice cream had chunks of cake and icing in it.

(and that lovely X on my hand is from the Wild Horse because I am under 21... it was a sad moment for me. Everyone looks at you weird after that. I felt branded as a child. haha)

These are our friends we made at ASACC from Wisconsin.

And their accents are funny!


It was the last day of the conference so we heard a few speeches and it wrapped up.

We had the whole day to go see some sites.

We went to the Parthenon, of course. This was #1 on my list!

It was sooooo cool.

Academic Senate 2011-2012

Then we ate at this place called Big River


I had chicken fried chicken with mashed potatoes


And of course we had a photo shoot.In front of the Big River.

Later that night we walked around the city.

The sun sets at 4:30pm which was weird.

We walked up the bridge over looking the city/ Cumberland river

It was beautiful.

We flew home monday at 7am.

It was a looong day!

I love to travel and see new places.

I fall in love with every place I visit, I can't help it!

Til next time Nashville...

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