Today has been a joke.
It's been slightly unlucky but in the funny way.
It all started when I couldn't go to sleep last night.
I tossed and turned all night long.
When my alarm finally went off,
I thought someone was playing a joke on me,
Since I was pretty sure I'd been awake for awhile and it was still dark outside.
(Apparently that is what happens now that the temperature is getting colder)
Nope, it truly was 7:30am.
After hitting the snooze button once, in a confused stupor,
I stumbled through my morning routine to get to my first class.
As I pull up to the gate of the Institute parking lot,
my parking pass isn't working.
I try and try again without any luck...
So I have to call the parking attendant
(and by that time there is a huge line of cars waiting to get into the parking lot)
*insert frantic, terrorized, guilty, and tired face here*
Finally they let me in and I park.
I have 10 minutes to run to my first class.
This may seem like a long time, but in College, it really isn't.
I'm running to class and climbing 2 rigorous flights of stairs in the LC building.
(Which kindly bestow upon you the knowledge of how out of shape you are)
when suddenly and I still don't know how...
I trip!
I trip up the stairs.
I trip so hard my hands have to catch me from face planting on the stairs.
I proceed to pick myself up and keep running to class.
But I trip again!
The very next step!
I don't even know what is happening at this point.
It's not even 9am yet.
I catch myself with my hands and yet again pull myself up to continue my hectic journey.
By this time I am just laughing like a lunatic all by myself because of this ridiculous morning
Receiving patronizing glances from other students in the hallway.
I finally make it to my class,
which by the way I am taking a midterm in,
I did alright.
That's right I didn't ace it but didn't fail it.
Talk about your overachiever right here!
my day continued on as normal as possible.
The only other weird thing to happen to me thus far is the amount of birds I've seen.
It's really creepy
And I'm talking The Birds creepy.
(the movie which scarred me for life as a child)
First, there were a few hundred circling the sky at UVU and then finding a spot on the closest power line.
(I am not even exaggerating, there were hundreds)
Then I'm on the highway driving to work and there are MORE!
Hundreds more!
Circling the sky in flocks of creepy blackness!
Obviously this was a traumatic experience for me, haha.
So that was my day so far and it's only 3:30pm.
Here is to hoping there is no more weirdness!